The Tiller Sand loadout in North Branch is nearing completion. The facility will recieve 8 semi loads of sand an hour to keep up with drying and sorting. The sand will be loaded into unit trains for the BNSF. BNSF will most likely bring the unit trains to Hinckley. Once the cars are dropped the Hinckley Local will bring the power back to NTW. The SCXY will run cuts of cars to North Branch for loading. Sand will be sorted into 4 different sizes (I don't know what sizes, so someone can enlighten me on that). For those that don't know, the facility is on the North side of the road from Zinpro. The largest building is around 7 stories tall and three new tracks were installed over the winter on the site. There were some grain hoppers on site a couple weeks back, but I'm guessing they were just using them to test the track and clearances.
ILSX GP10 1345 (ex-ILSX 1418, ex-BNSF 1418) is on the Skally Line ready to help when it is needed.