After looking for something that does this, and failing. I decided to build my own. the key here is the recursive part.. no photo apps that I've found are able to do thumbnailing/index pages through a whole set of directories. if you're like me, you have TONS of directories and images.
What does it do? Well, it can create thumbnails recursively through a whole directory structure, or just one directory. And, it can optionally create an html index file for each of those directories, with links up and down to/from each.
One thing I added recently is the ability to thumbnail raw camera files as well. I've tested nikon and cannon, but don't own every brand.. so use it and find out LOL
Here's the tool:
just download the thumbnailer.jar file, and optionally the runit.bat file. The .bat file just wraps the command to run the application. so you'll have to run it from a command window(dos or unix)
You need to have java installed to run this. If you don't have it installed, it can be found here:
Usage notes are in the usage.txt file.. so start there.
I've yet to try it on a unix flavor, so if someone tries it let me know if you have issues
oh, and here's an example. All pages up there were created dynamically by the tool. Mine's pretty basic, but you have full control over how you want the html to look.
Oh, and if don't like how it's command line driven, I'm working on a user interface for it that'll be up there soon