South of White Bear Lake on the remnant of the Skally, a plastics company transloads plastic pellets from covered hoppers. There are 11 of them at Burkle Road. These are switched out as necessary, usually on Tuesday and Thursday. This week a string of 10? covered hoppers showed up at M&D junction in White Bear and the cars at Burkle Road have been penned in by a long string of mostly Procor(PROX) or TILX tank cars. These cars are all Hazmat carded #1203 which is or was probably gasoline. It seems strange to run all these tanks down the line penning in the hoppers. If anybody is in White Bear Lake on Tuesday or Thursday you might get to see some interesting action on this piece of railroad. If they want to switch out the hoppers at Burkle they will have to deal with a very long cut of cars.