I totaly agree on the pole barn thought, many nights I go to sleep dreaming about the layout I would build if such a facility were avaialble.
I have built two layouts in my career, neither were modled after any specific railroad or area. The first was an N gauge layout on a 4X4 piece of plywood because that was all the room I had. Kind of a figure eight with single main line and two passing tracks. Three or four industries to service. I eventually gave that up as I just found it to hard to work with that small guage.
The second was an HO layout on a 4X12 table. Four track yard, dual main line, a reversing track so you could run trains in opposite directions, two cross overs areas, 4 industries to service, including a mine. I used DCC for the first time on this layout and man was that nice.
All my stuff is in storage right now, waiting for an open room, which if all goes according to plan will happen in a year or two.
Thanks for stiring the memory